just for fun

inspired by this hip family living in NY, NY
she is a textile designer from Amsterdam 
(somehow this is all I remember of them!)
i am notoriously bad about recording details
from photos & snippets i gather from online
the eye candy gets plopped into my "fun" folder on desktop
in a snip snap minute
when i revisit...i have no details...who, what, where?
anyway...i love their vivacious lifestyle captured in theses photos 
of them in their home
and thought i would share them with you

our home is like photo #1 at the monent...but somehow
doesn't look nearly as fun when it is my kids' mess
to clean up!

quote at top...again not sure who it is by 
(I will try to do better with the details!)
but it seems to go well with these pics 
and my mood at the present