Spring Break & Birthdays!

Spring Break was last week...ahhh...
so nice to not be on a strict schedule for a whole week!
St. Patty's Day was last week also...BIG here! FUN here!
well, we escaped all the craziness downtown this year
 & had a peaceful day at our beach...it was 85 degrees!
my Mom came for a visit too
with GiGi here, we did a little "pre-birthday" shopping
for my almost 5 year old baby
he got a a new bike...aka "the golden rocket!"
after a "Happy Birthday!" to him over the loud speaker in the store,
a birthday crown & birthday balloon,
he rode his new bike all the way to the register : )

this is gonna be hard to top on his actual big day!

are next weekend!

i just can't believe it...
where does the time go?!?

i think this calls for a celebration...
keep in touch for details!

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