Moore from Katie

We are delighted to have a guest post from a sweet,
thoughtful up & coming blogger 
who discusses maternity, motherhood,
prenatal health, childbirth &
all things Mommy...Katie Moore

Welcoming Baby: 
Things A Mom Can Do to Make the Transition Easier

Getting ready to bring a newborn home is not only a time full of joy but also of hard work. While there is much to celebrate when baby and mom finally return home from the hospital, the hard work does not end there.  There is also a period of adaptation that, like with pregnancy, can be made easier with some preparation. 

 (be sure to click on the Read More >> link below 
to read the entire post...)

Asking for help is one of the easiest ways a new mom can transition into motherhood.  While in the hospital, moms should take advantage of the experience nurses provide and learn from them about infant care. That way mom can leave the hospital feeling sure of how to hold, bathe and soothe the baby, among other things.  It’s okay to ask for more than one demonstration of the same task. The important thing is to learn how to do it correctly so that the mom can go home feeling more confident in her new role.

Expectant mothers are always told about sleep deprivation.  There is often a question of how to survive those first few weeks—or months---when getting a long stretch of sleep is a luxury.  One answer is to arrange support ahead of time.  Whether this support is provided by a partner, willing relative or friend, having someone lined up to help with the hard nights ahead will definitely make these early days much easier.  

Learning some techniques to enhance the bonding experience is another way to make this time truly enjoyable. Bonding is a process that takes time and can begin as early as the moment the mom learns of the pregnancy.  It’s a different process for every mother, but there are some things a mom can do to enhance the experience.  Arranging to room-in with the baby in the hospital helps the mom learn about her newborn’s needs and how to respond to them.  Rooming-in means that the mom keeps the baby with her throughout the hospital stay, even during the night.  Another thing that will be beneficial to the bonding experience, as well as to general soothing and relaxing, is learning basic infant massage techniques.  The feeling created by softly rubbing baby’s arms and legs is one of relaxation, which helps both mom and baby feel comforted and safe.  It can even help to create a peaceful sleeping situation, leading to a longer sleep-stretch.  

Before baby arrives, a mother will have many things on her mind. Preparing for baby is a process that last all nine months.  While some of the preparation is lighthearted and fun, such as choosing cute little outfits and decorating baby’s room, there are other things that are more serious and can have long-term benefits.  Cord blood banking is one of these things.  Growing in popularity, cord blood banking is the collection and storage of blood drawn from the umbilical cord right after birth. This blood is saved by families for its potential to help treat certain medical conditions.

With all of the main details ironed out ahead of time, mom will be able to easily transition in her role as a mother without a hitch. 

"This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26."

Thanks Katie! 
As a Mom of 2 little boys, 
I remember well the preparing for & the 
baby stages of our children. 
Our babies, though both boys, were very different!
 One slept through the night starting at 8 weeks.
While the other did not sleep (even once!) through the night
until the day he turned 2 years old!!
Books & research helped us to get our feet wet for sure
(they still do!)
My best advice for new Moms is to just hold on 
& enjoy the ride as much as you can
(while educating yourself on important decisions
for baby, ect).
No 2 are alike & while you can find lots of helpful information
& advice...babies really do not come with specific instructions...
that is for sure!
Come to think of it, our kids are now 6 & 7 &
we are still trying to hold on & enjoy the ride!
Each age comes with it's own learning curve.

What is your advice for expecting & new Mothers?
I would love to hear!


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