Back Yard Book Worm!

before Back Yard Baby, 
babies, teaching & husband came along,
i worked as a graphic designer 
creating books
children's books, coffee table books, 
art books, cook books...
it was a dream job!

i am a children's book fanatic
(...even before i had children) it time to take out their 1st 
little board books
to make more room???

when our boys were really little
the library was too quiet
for our get a new bed time storybook outings...
trust me i tried numerous times.
even tried the children's story time hour at our 
numerous public libraries
(i was always too embarrassed to go back to the same one twice!)
my baby boys were wild, double trouble...
...these photos made for a lovely Christmas card that year.
what part of 
"sit still beside each other for 1 minute while mommy takes your picture"
 is hard to understand??

i soon found that barnes & noble had everthing i needed
for a successful, get a new bed time storybook outing with kids...
star bucks for the sleep deprived mama
(our youngest didn't sleep through the night until he was 2...
not even once)
a thomas the train choo choo table with a glued on track
for them to play with,
aisles wide enough for my double stroller
that i strapped them in until the were way to old!
 (it was the only way i go anywhere 
by myself with them...they are 14 months apart),
& our B&N it is located in a loud mall!
waa laaa! perfection!
their membership card really adds up & saves $!
+ they also have a great DVD section with fun, hard to find
children's classics that i grew up watching.
ok...i obviously need to get a B&N fix soon...
or maybe they will hire me to be a spokes person?

it has always been the boys bedtime routine
to sit in my lap or their dad's lap
& snuggle up for a story 
before hopping into their in bed
(a good way to calm them down before night night time
& a good way to when they ask questions
& interact with the stories : )

with 2 little boys we do not have many princess books
or those cute girly books
but i think little girls would enjoy
most these suggestions
(maybe not ALL...some books they love 
are very little boy)

current books we are loving...
we brought this back for them from a recent trip
very interactive & educational
they can not get enough of it!
they take it in the car
sleep with it
i catch them lounging around looking at it during the day

another interactive & educational book...
their dad is awesome at reading this book with them
(he is our geography wiz! thank goodness one of us got that gene!)
they love to wind up the plane and each pick a country 
that they think it is going to stop cute
& a great way to teach them about maps & geography

we are currently reading this one
chapter by chapter...
they love it!
this version only has black & white line drawings
so they really have to use their imaginations 
for most of the story

i recently discovered this cute idea for a baby shower...

isn't that a great idea?
especially since most lucky expecting mothers these days
seem to have multiple baby showers given by
different groups of friends & family
when they are already stocked with the clothes & gear...
why not stock their book shelves???

if you are still reading this (may be my longest post ever?)
i would love to hear from you too!
what are your favorite children's books?


Anonymous said...

I also loved books as a child and love to read books to my children as well. Some of our favorites have been Where the Wild Things Are, The Very Hungry Catepillar, Tickle Monster, and Green Eggs and Ham!

Stacey Hudson Hamner said...

Hey Winslett! We have a fair amount of girly books, but some of Harper's faves are If You Give a Pig a Pancake, There's a Monster at the End of this book & some book about "Where the Animals Live" that has about a hundred flaps to lift!

Love the post & super excited about the Calypso collection @ Target. Really hope our store gets it!

Unknown said...

When are you going to write one Win?